A team of six trained volunteers take care of packing parcels appropriate for a family or individual’s needs. Support is given to ensure that people with crisis situations have the food they need for meals for 5 - 7 days, as well as contacts to supporting services to help them to manage the particular difficulties they face.
This service is now running under the wings of the Pohutukawa Coast Presbyterian Church.
Faye Clark is the Co-ordinator, with the help of co-leader by Lin Morgan. We rely entirely on the generosity of our church members and other community groups including the local primary schools for donations of pantry items. The Foodbank has no links to government department grants or funds.
Feedback is positive from those who have received our help. We are privileged to be able to serve our neighbours in this way.
Would you like to share in our purpose and mission? We believe that good relationships, open discussion and a genuine desire to seek God’s calling allows us to grow as people and a community together.